Who wouldn't immediately fall in love with a face like this?
Well, we certainly did.
To be fair, we were warned. "Only a few days" they told us. I kept that in the back of my mind, but the problem was that I filed it right next to the thing they told me when they brought me Alex... "We just need a place for him for a few weeks..." (That was seven years ago)
Social services just needed a place for her temporarily, which is why I said 'yes' even though I would be leaving in 3 days to Canada for the yearly visit. Ok well if I am to be honest, I said yes because I was afraid if I didn't they would never ask again. And I really just love babies.
How I have missed having a little one in the house! There were many smiles, much laughter and some tears as we were reminded of our sweet Miguel time and again, but they were good memories and the house felt a little more alive.
But then I had to go and leave both kids with my dear, brave friend who happens to have four children of her own. She had to deal with many doctors visits, nebulization, and well, having 6 kids in the house. Two weeks later I was home again and took my kiddos home. I was in full mommy mode, happily moving things to accommodate for the major influx of baby-ness.
And then just one week later, she was gone just as fast as she had appeared. I asked if she couldn't just stay, and when they asked me to go in to the office (30 minutes away) I was hopeful that there was a possible solution. I mean, if it was a simple no, they could just tell me that on the phone, right?
Turns out they can tell me 'no' just as well in person. The reason was a better one than I had thought though - little baby girl had to go to a registered orphanage so that she can be adopted. When they told me that I felt immediate peace, much more than disappointment, because I know that a tiny sweet girl like her will be adopted in no time, and she will have a permanent family to love her. I would love to be that permanent family, but the other thing I know is that in Mexico they generally don't let you choose the child that you will adopt except in special cases.
Speaking of special cases...
So this news was not the only news they had for me over in the freezing cold offices that house our dear overworked social workers.
Thankfully they hadn't asked me to drive all the way over there just to tell me no, they had some other news.
Some good news.
Some AMAZING news.
My social working friend looked over at me and casually told me that Alex's case had been approved; that I was approved to adopt Alex.
I know I stared dumbly at her, and I am pretty sure I stuttered too. I smiled and half laughed and cried all at the same time; I must have been quite the sight.
Um, I'm sorry, what was that?!
The powers that be read the letter I wrote about my sweet Alex and apparently agreed that it would be a good idea to make this a permanent deal, because they have put their stamp of approval and now IT IS JUST A MATTER OF LEGALITIES PEOPLE!!!!!
Yup, we are just a little excited.
(I think this may be my favourite picture of all time!!) |
Thank you God!! And all of you for your love and prayers, we look forward to sharing the rest of the process with you all the way to the last signature :-D
So, slightly emotional week for us as we are still missing the little one, but I know that there are some things you just have to let go and let God take care of. So thankful for the days we had with her, for the joy of today, and the promise of tomorrow.
God Bless you all, friends.