There are other things I should be doing right now.
Also, I dislike doing something as cliche as writing a year in review on the last day of the year.
However I am avoiding laundry (it won't dry in this weather anyway), a long writing assignment (I've never been a procrastinator, right mom?), and preparing for the next round of classes that are coming up fast, so here we are.
The house is actually quiet because the oldest kids all went over to the community center because our computer does not have Word, because apparently you have to register and pay for that, and you cannot do anything in the world or in school without it.
Leo is finally napping, which is wonderful because he recently decided that he did not need to have regular, scheduled naps anymore and has done everything to avoid sleeping when at all possible. Which really does a lot of his naturally sunny disposition...
Anyway, I thought this might be a good time to let you all know that we are doing very well, and are so aware of how truly blessed we are! I started uploading some of my favorite pictures of this year, then realized that this was going to end up being the longest blog post EVER. So, in one simple collage, pictures of some of my favorite memories of 2014 (when you click on it you can see the larger version):
(From top left, clockwise: welcoming new family members, hosting my home church, a visit from Grandma and Grandpa, baseball games with friends, english classes at the center, surprise trip home, summer day camp, camping, celebrating birthdays, a cast-free Leo, Canadian friends, and an incredibly successful community center event)
Last year we started out in January with just Alex and I; since then 5 other people have lived in our house. Short term, long term, on their own terms - however they come I always know it is for a reason and in and for God's time. I am so happy and blessed to end the year with our group of four!
Another other reason for great praise and gratitude this year is the realization of a dream that has been building in my heart and mind for years - the Family Community Center (Centro Familiar). I am praying that this place will continue to grow and be a light in our community, and that as we spread our vision and gain the trust of our neighbors I can start to reach out with programs not only to build skills and ability, but to touch people's hearts and souls for Christ as well. What looks like a few simple english classes builds to something so much more important: relationship!
I am so thankful for every person who prays for us, rejoices with us, feels our pain and walks this journey with its ups and downs alongside us. For my incredibly supportive family and friends in Canada, the US and here in Mexico. For the sweet souls God entrusts me with. For the gift of God's love and grace and mercy in the sacrifice of His Son. My sincere hope and prayer is that we all will be willing to open our hearts to God and His love and surrender our plans to Him, even just a little more (or at all), in 2015.
Trust me, you'll never regret it.
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